WordPress 2.2.2

WordPress 2.2.2 發佈,安全性修正。

Today we have two security-related releases available for both users of our main 2.2 branch and the legacy 2.0 branch. As these releases include only security and minor bugfixes they should not cause any plugin or theme compatibility issues, so you have no good excuse not to upgrade.

About The Author


使用 WordPress 架設網站不再是一件痛苦的工作。這裡跟大家分享使用WordPress的相關問題與研究。 並且提供有關WordPress外掛程式,佈景主題等等的使用經驗分享。 幫助想要建立網站的朋友,可以簡單,快速,無痛苦的建立與使用網站。


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